Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Sunrise was just the beginning!

Natalie and Vladi are...uhhh...well...FISHY!

I think we lost count when we hit the 30's! These fine folks just have a nose for fish. That's an unteachable skill and when, as a guide, you luck into folks who have a well developed "Spidey Sense" sometimes it's best to sit back and enjoy running up and down stream netting fish!

Sadly I cursed the day because every time they doubled up, I shouted to not lose the fish...and every time, one or the other fish would dance for us and spit the hook...so no photos of doubles, but I know I'll remember every one!

Thanks guys!

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

WOW! I learned as much as I taught today! Greg & Renee are "natural students"...

We fished hard, were rewarded (as hard work has a tendency to produce) with loads of beautiful fish...and that wasn't even the highlight of the day! Our conversations, and laughter were a better exclamation point on our day than even the beautiful fish.

Thanks guys! I can't wait to come out to the ranch and get a little first hand education on sustainable farming and living closer to the land!

George, Nick & a little beginners luck!

Fished with a couple eager and strong guys today! George and Nick worked their tales off and were rewarded with loads of beautiful fish!

If smiles alone speak to the quality of a day...take a look at these!

Nice work gentlemen! Look forward to next time!!!