Sunday, September 14, 2014

Lucky Fish!

     I had the great, great, good fortune to fish with Elizabeth & Alex today! It's a common theme in these blogs that I am reminded and share just how lucky I am...and today was the cherry on top! Catching fish is usually a highlight and bonus to a great trip. Today, making a connection, watching (feeling!) them adopt what the river had to teach us, feeling them lean into our lessons, intuitively understand the subtleties and connect with this, my most passionate and profound life experience, was worth so much more than all of the beautiful trout we buttoned up!
    Alex is a convert and I believe we have more than wet Elizabeth's appetite for fish on the fly! In addition to some great fishing, a beautiful day, and loads of beautiful fish, I scored two new friends and fishing partners!
     I could write forever about this great day but I'll let the pictures say what I cannot....

Thanks guys! Can't wait to see you two on the Biloxi Marsh and next time you are back in Colorful Colorado we'll pick up where we left off!!!