Jon and Justin are head hunters...bone in the nose, loin cloth wearin', face painted, head hunters! We all use terms and I (as I've mentioned) am as guilty as anyone:
"That guy has a nose for big fish..."
"Dudes a headhunter"
"...strong angler..."
These fellas sharpen the pencil on these phrases.
They were kind enough to take my rookie *ss to the Taylor this week.
3:00 A.M. Am I still a little drunk, or just tired? I know that whatever the ratio, I'm hitting at about 50% on the only cylinder thats still pumping.
4:00 A.M. "pop" Watched a statie shoot a recently hit Elk and drag it off the road.
5:00 A.M. Dropping off the "right" side of Monarch Pass!
6:30 A.M. 1 car in the lot! Cold, windy...PERFECT!
I'd been there before but was put down within about an hour by the crowds and the finicky nature of these goliath trout. I took a swing or two at a fish, spooked em, moved on to another, and finally moved down to more secluded water and threw dries in relative privacy. So...did I actually fish the Taylor? NOPE!
You have to fully geek out on these fish! This is hunting! I suffered a slow start and missed my first seven takes! Both Jon and Justin had brought several to hand and I was getting schooled! I took 5 minutes, watched them fish, and studied their mechanics: approach, line management, drift, hook set, and the way they played them once set. Like with most things, subtle changes produce measurable results.
What you can learn from great anglers is likely endless! I had the fortune of fishing with two of the very best this country has to offer...
They held em down....
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